Thursday, August 9, 2012


Ok, so not that I'm very good at keeping up with writing on this blog.. BUT! I have another one.. It's all about recipes, and it's going to be delicious. So bounce on over, and salivate a little. (Just not yet, because there aren't any recipes.)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

DIY project!

A new post, A NEW POST!

ok, so 2 months miiiiiiight be a little too long to not update at all.. but, I'll try to do better I promise! I do however come bearing a pretty cute (if I do say so myself) DIY project!

So, my grandma had a bench, that I loveeeee. And it's 60 years old! SIXTY! When we left to come to Germany, she gave it to me! 

Meet the bench. 

It's cute and it knows it! And so do I!

It has had my undivided attention for the past 2 days and I am happy to say, that it is dooooone! 

SO! Without further ado. Here is the process it went through, and the finished result!

 right here came the primer, which in all my excitement to get to the painting.. I forgot to take a picture of.
 This is left over fabric from the ties in our wedding. 
 And wait for it..

.. BAM!

looking pretty good for 60, huh?

I love it, I love it, I looooooove it. 

There are many more projects/WHOLEROOMUPDATES!!!! to come. 

so, get excited.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Meet Germany, so far.

ok, so I couldn't be any worse at updating this. But, I'll do a quick little recap. 

We have a house now, this is it. Cute right?

We both have new cars too, which we are in love with. I could really go on and on about my car. It's amazing.

This is mine.

And this is Jasons.

We tried to get cell phones one day, which German natives call handys apparently, and couldn't find the store, but isn't this pretty? seriously, if I'm gonna get lost, this is where I want to get lost at.

This is about it so far until we move in and the painting starts, and my first trip to a Germany Ikea of course!

Monday, February 13, 2012


Well, our stuff is officially all in one place for the movers to pick it up on February 27th. Yes, you're reading that right. A week AFTER we leave our stuff is being picked up. Meaning, we aren't guaranteed our things until April 27th. So, be prepared for many pictures of our empty house. :/

This is pretty much the news of the decade. Because I had just let myself come to the realization that I would be taking that almost 9 hour flight alone. And I was not a happy camper.
Now, I am happy. Stressed, but happy.

This time next week, you will hopefully be seeing Europe pictures.
You should all start popping the popcorn right now.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Today marks 11 days until at least Jason leaves. As for me.. We STILL await the arrival of my elusive passport. It's so frustrating that it isn't here (after almost 6 weeks of waiting), and knowing that I'm potentially taking that 9 hour flight to Germany alone, and I don't get to assist (hands on, at least) in picking out our house. Which REALLY drives me crazy. 

I don't know that I'm EVER going to get used to not being in control of things. There is just something about waiting around for people we don't even know to do things for us that REALLY gets under my skin. But, OH WELL. 

For something a little more uplifting, I am sloooooowly working my way through our wedding pictures, and there are so many that I just fall in love with the more I look at them. 

here is a little sneak of my favorites, so far.

I can't wait to share more of these pictures with everyone. 

Now, I'm going to take a nap, and try and fend off this
cold that is REALLY trying to get in the way
of everything I need to get accomplished.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The beginning : And it starts

At the request of many.. (ok, a few).. people, I am officially a blogger. So, if you want to see pictures of our adventures in Europe, you feel free to read this.